Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Survey of Murals on the Kibbutz

So the kibbutz has a school either attached to it or on the outskirts of it. Today I rode my friend's bike through the school, called a beit sepher, and took some pictures of the murals that decorate the school. Here are some of my favorites.

This picture above is a view from the Kibbutz at sunrise.

In other news I spend this past Shabbas on the kibbutz. Basically it was the most relaxed atmosphere I've ever been in. It was a very enjoyable Shabbas and I would recommend spending a Shabbs on a religious kibbutz to anyone. The 700 people who live on the kibbutz are all Shomer Shabbas. There is no one in work clothes, no one is driving, and it's a powerful Shabbas energy to anyone who pays attention to it.
This Shabbas I'm being set up in Jerusalem at a Chasidic man's house.

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